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Before joining, I was a little bit intimidated not knowing what everything and everyone would be like, but that quickly went away when I got started. The coaches made me feel like a long-time member, and the members made me feel welcome and part of their community. I’m a better person when I go to The Club - I’m stronger, healthier, sleep better, and just feel better! I’ve also been able to get my blood pressure under control so my doctor is happy, too. I suppose the only downside is all the money I’ve had to spend on new, smaller-sized, pants. Ha!
Amy Schmieg
Before joining The Transformation Club, I was nervous to workout in a facility with other people. Change can be scary. Fortunately, I felt welcomed and supported from the get-go. Stepping out of my comfort zone really paid off! Now, I feel stronger both physically AND mentally. And, while dealing with a few challenging personal situations, having The Transformation Club in my life helped me get through those in a more productive and positive way. It’s about so much more than just the great workouts… I’m so grateful for the accountability and support The Transformation Club gives me.
1363A Park Road, Chanhassen, MN 55317 | 952-224-4852